Image: AP

Two shooters opened fire at Sarona Market in Tel Aviv on Wednesday night, killing four people and injuring at least three others, reports the Times of Israel. According to authorities, both shooters were captured alive, with one undergoing surgery at a local hospital after being shot by a security guard.

A video posted to Instagram shows one of the market’s security guards firing at an assailant off-screen:

Tel Aviv police chief Chico Edri said that the shooting was a “pretty serious terrorist incident,” though if police currently know the affiliations of the shooters, they’re not yet saying. Per the Times of Israel, police stated that the shooters are “Palestinian relatives, 21-year-old cousins, from the Hebron area in the West Bank.”

The shooting is the latest incident in a wave of violence in and around Gaza that started last October. Per an accounting by the Guardian, 30 Israelis, two Americans, and over 200 Palestinians have died in various attacks since then.