Natalie Eaton, 18, was impaled by a golf club in a freak accident at one of Arkansas State University's first parties of this year. According to police, two guys were tossing a football back and forth at a Kappa Alpha rush cookout when one decided to "bat" the football with the club. The club broke and "impaled Eaton in the left side of her neck."

Eaton is in critical condition but recovering. Her friend Makaleigh Riddle told KARK-TV, "Where the club went in, it hit her spinal cord. The way doctors talked about it, it was probably paralysis. That's the best that we were looking at. It was really hard to hear. But now she's moving her arms and legs a day later. I don't know. That's just crazy. I know people are praying everywhere but that's a miracle."

An ASU official told KAIT-TV that he does not expect any charges to be filed against the guy who was using the golf club as a baseball bat.

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