I went to the Bronx Zoo on this lovely New York Saturday hoping to see some lions and other cool animal friends and maybe get an airbrush tattoo. I did not expect to see two grizzly bears fuck for approximately ten minutes (partial video below), but life can unfurl itself in exciting ways when you least expect it.

As my friends and I approached the bear area at around 4 p.m., it seemed as if the bears were having a picnic. They were chilling out pretty hardcore, Greco-Roman style. Little did we know that it was bear mating season. Suddenly one bear sat upright and started moving his arm up and down as if he were waving. Haha, that’s funny, I thought. He’s waving to us. He was actually whacking his dick, my friend told me.

As soon as the bear excited himself thusly he mounted his female companion from behind and the sex act commenced. The bears’ lovemaking was somewhat human (not to anthropomorphize it too much, but, you know, it’s fun!). The female seemed kind of bored and like she wanted out of it, the dude was clumsy, and there was some weird biting. Oh, and also there was another bear who stuck its head in at the end and the two lovers got in a roaring fight.

All in all, it was difficult to tell if any beargasms were achieved. But let it be known that sex was had in the Bronx today.

[There was a video here]