Eighty-three-year-old billionaire George Soros had to literally hide behind his lawyers after his soap opera actress ex-girlfriend started hitting him during a deposition today, knocking his hearing device off his head in the process.

Brazilian actress Adriana Ferreyr sued Soros for $50 million back in 2011, claiming the Democratic investor physically abused her and reneged on an agreement to give her a $1.9 million New York apartment. (Soros ended up giving the apartment to his new wife, Tamiko Bolton.)

According to reports, Ferreyr arrived at the private deposition today with a videographer, telling Soros and his attorneys, "I am filming and calling CNN. Everyone!"

When they told Ferreyr she couldn't do that, she became enraged, punching her own attorney in the arm. Then, she tried to film the proceedings on her cell phone over Soros' attorneys' objections.

When the lawyers agreed at 1 p.m. to break for lunch, Singer said, Ferreyr "suddenly and without warning ... lunged at Mr. Soros — who is 83 years old — and struck his head with her hands, knocking off the headphones he was wearing to amplify the audio in the room."

"Ms. Ferreyr pulled back her arm to strike Mr. Soros in the face. I was able to grab both of (her) arms to move her away....I let go of her arms. Ms. Ferreyr immediately swung at my face, knocking off my glasses."

Singer said he had to pull her back from stepping on his glasses and she tried to kick him. Then, he said, she slapped a Soros aide, Jose Santos, across the face and kicked Santos in the shins.

Soros' lawyers are now trying to get the judge presiding over the case to order Ferreyr to destroy any footage she took during the deposition.

[image via Getty]