George Zimmerman is an unemployable broke asshole, so maybe it's no real surprise that he's also an amateur artist. That original painting he was hawking on eBay this week — the one he described with a joke about Trayvon Martin ("my art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-)") — has potentially sold for six figures.

When bidding closed last night, the final offer for the painting that reads "God, One Nation, with Liberty and Justice for All" stood at $100,099.99. But as with all stunt eBay listings such as this one, the auction site will have to authenticate the bid. Of course, it's far from outrageous to think that some NRA freak would relish forking six figures over to Zimmerman for some tone-deaf patriotic propaganda.

Zimmerman, who recently added "alleged domestic abuser" to his rap sheet, needs the money, too. Last month, he revealed that he is currently $2.5 million in debt thanks to legal fees stemming from the Martin investigation and trial. In a court filing that would have allowed him to hire a public defender for that domestic violence case, Zimmerman said that he had $150 cash on hand and no income.

Maybe he and fellow conservative hero/noted painter George W. Bush should hit the road together.