A goat made a daring, potentially life-saving escape Tuesday morning from a truck authorities believe was headed to a slaughterhouse. The goat, named Sky, fell or jumped while being driven across the Pulaski Skyway bridge, where she ran wild during the rush hour commute.

“The goat kept jumping over the divider and on top of cars,” Jersey City Police Capt. Edgar Martinez told 1010 WINS. “It was cornered and captured with a rope and we were able to walk it to the vehicle where it was taken out of the Skyway.”

But the capture Captain Martinez describes above didn't take place until after Sky caused a four-car accident. It also took five New Jersey police officers nearly two hours to lasso Sky, who reportedly dragged her feet as she was taken to the rescue vehicle.

Officials found a U.S. Department of Agriculture tag attached to the goat's ear, which led them to believe she was traveling by truck to a slaughterhouse. Sky was taken to the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City. If she's not claimed, she'll be moved to a rescue farm.

[h/t Daily Intelligencer/New York Daily News/Photo via Pix 11]

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