
Sometimes Your Own Worst Enemy Is Yourself

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/30/15 10:30PM

Once upon a time a man started hitting his head against a wall. A passerby asked him, "Why are you hitting your head against that wall?" "Because it feels so... Well, I guess because I don't have a weirdly strong mirror like that cute little goat."

Rescued Baby Goat Learns to Walk Using a Wheelcart

Jay Hathaway · 05/21/14 05:20PM

Frostie the Snow Goat was born with a life-threatening infection that makes his back legs unusable, and even after a course of antibiotics, he can't walk on his own. So Frostie's caretakers at Australia's Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary set him up with a wheelcart to help him take his first steps.

Goats Sing the Game of Thrones Opening Theme

Jay Hathaway · 04/10/14 08:24AM

In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except that winter is coming, the night is dark and full of terrors, all men must die, and here are some goats singing the theme song from Game of Thrones.

A Mystical Spree of Decapitations In Brooklyn

Justin Charity · 03/06/14 10:12PM

Obama's America. A man can't even walk his Boston Terrier through Prospect Park without tripping over a severed goat head. And then a few afternoons later, a young mother strolls with her two-year-old son through a neighboring park, only to shriek and stumble upon two ceremoniously decapitated rooster skulls, sacrificed on a clay plate.