Here Is the Gun That Got Ted Nugent's Wife Arrested

One week ago, Shemane Nugent was arrested at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport after TSA agents found a .38-caliber handgun in her carry-on bag. Her lawyer justified his client's lapsed judgment as an “honest mistake” to the Dallas Morning News, explaining that the 51-year-old, who has a concealed-carry license, woke up early for her flight and “completely forgot or never knew the weapon was in her bag.” The firearm was loaded.
Her lawyer's account may very well be true. For the last 23 years, Nugent, née Strem, has been married to Ted Nugent, a National Rifle Association board member who's vaguely threatened to assassinate President Obama and swore he would be "either be dead or in jail by this time next year" if Barack Hussein were re-elected, but then proved to be full of shit. A gun in this woman's purse is the equivalent of a Xanax bottle for nearly anyone else, except that Xanax cannot shoot holes into people mid-air and/or directly be used to commandeer a plane and send its defenseless inhabitants to a fiery death.
TMZ floats the rumor that Shemane started carrying the gun "after receiving death threats." But it's true that she started carrying the gun after she married a notorious rock-goon who waves around automatic weapons like cartoony phalluses and it seems reasonable that those two things might be related. Just a hunch.
In any case! Every week, the Transportation Security Administration's blog posts weekly photos of the guns discovered in carry-on bags. From August 23 to 30, the agency confiscated 44 firearms in total, 39 of them loaded, and one of those weapons belonged to Shemane Nugent.
We confirmed with the TSA communications office that the Smith & Wesson pictured below was, in fact, the .38 confiscated on August 29 at DFW. So here's the loaded gun Ted Nugent's wife (completely forgot she) was carrying around in her purse last Thursday—probably rattling up against lipstick or breath mints or, even more likely, Binaca:

[Shemane Nugent Booking Photo via Getty Images / gun photo via the TSA]
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