Hey Kids! Obama Is Removing All the Fun Junk Food in 2014, So Snack Up

The Obama administration is making more moves to prevent childhood obesity—a complete overhaul of the munchies and beverages sold outside of school cafeterias. The administration just released a new set of nutrition standards, which means no more cheese curls or sugar water. You can have fruit. A petite granola bar. Light popcorn. Water. Maybe some low fat tortilla chips, but watch that portion size because everything, according to the new standards, must be under 200 calories.
Changes will go into effect starting in the 2014-2015 school year. This is all part of the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, signed by Obama and endorsed by the First Lady. The administration has already required that all federally-subsidized school food be healthier.
The Centers for Disease Control reported that 18 percent of children ages 6 to 11 were obese in 2010—a seven percent increase from thirty years earlier. As of 2010's number, over a third of all adolescents are overweight/obese.
[image via Nitr/Shutterstock]