Middle Schooler Says She Was Suspended for Refusing Common Core Test

An Alabama middle schooler says she was suspended because she refused to take standardized tests based on national Common Core standards.
Alyssa McKinney, a Huntsville, Ala., 8th grader says she was given in-school suspensions twice after telling administrators she wouldn't take the tests. After her third refusal, she got an out-of-school suspension, according to WAAY-TV.
Alabama parents are allowed to opt their children out with a written note. It's unclear whether McKinney's parents did that. However, another test begins Monday, and Alyssa's mom, Molly Overton, told WAAY that she has already sent written notice that Alyssa will opt out of it.
The Common Core standards, adopted in 2009, were developed in part by U.S. governors, and test results are used in determining the allocation of school funding, making the tests particularly high-stakes for teachers and school administrators. Common Core has become a favorite target of the left, the right, Reddit, and Louis C.K. (It's worth noting, however, that the viral critiques of Common Core math that you've probably seen on Reddit and Facebook are totally overblown.)
McKinley is not the first student who's reportedly gotten in trouble for opting out of tests written to Common Core standards. A New York 8th grader received a 2-day suspension for insubordination after telling her classmates they didn't have to take a test.
[Photo: WAAY-TV]