A homeless man found a backpack filled with a large sum of money, travelers checks, and a passport outside a Dorchester mall in Massachusetts on Saturday and turned it over to police officers. He alerted Boston police in front of the South Bay Mall TJ Maxx store and gave them the bag filled with $2,400 in cash, $39,500 in traveler’s checks, and a Republic of China passport. The Good Samaritan, according to Boston police, could only provide them with his name and the address of the shelter where he is currently staying.

Police officers notified mall security about the backpack and were contacted later in the evening by a Best Buy employee who had lost his backpack. Because the passport belonged to the employee, the backpack has since been returned to him. No explanations have been offered as to why a Best Buy employee would be carrying over $40,000 to work, which is clearly where the real story is here.

[Image via Getty]