
Women Give Up Three Weeks of Life to Wait for Cheap Best Buy TVs

Aleksander Chan · 11/13/14 02:16PM

Vicky Torres and Juanita Alva parked themselves outside of a Beaumont, Ca. Best Buy last week so they can be the first in line for the store's Black Friday sale. They're likely sitting out there right now, in their folding chairs. "We're good to go," Torres told KABC.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/13 04:17PM

The best-performing stocks of 2013: Tesla, Netflix, Best Buy, and Twitter. Hurry up and invest in these high fliers as they fly higher and higher and higher, and never lower!

Lacey Donohue · 10/07/13 06:27PM

Glen James, the homeless man who found a backpack containing over $40,000 in cash and traveler’s checks in front of a Boston Best Buy last month, has now received over $150,000 in donations. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, he’ll be moving into transitional housing in Cambridge this week.

Homeless Man Returns Backpack Full of Cash to Best Buy Employee

Lacey Donohue · 09/15/13 06:26PM

A homeless man found a backpack filled with a large sum of money, travelers checks, and a passport outside a Dorchester mall in Massachusetts on Saturday and turned it over to police officers. He alerted Boston police in front of the South Bay Mall TJ Maxx store and gave them the bag filled with $2,400 in cash, $39,500 in traveler’s checks, and a Republic of China passport. The Good Samaritan, according to Boston police, could only provide them with his name and the address of the shelter where he is currently staying.

The Unstoppable Rampage of the Beliebers

Adrian Chen · 12/02/11 04:20PM

Last Wednesday night, about 50 girls huddled in front of Madison Square Garden, warmed only by North Face jackets and their burning love for Justin Bieber. They were Beliebers, and for the next couple hours I planned to tag along as they rampaged through New York. Here are the crazy results.

Holiday Shoppers Face 'Black Midnight' in Retail Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 10:16AM

Here we are, two months into the Christmas shopping season. Have you finished? No, because you didn't start in September like you were supposed to. Well, not to worry; corporate America is doing everything in its power to make you feel guilty about your laziness and poverty of ideas as well as money for several more hours, this holiday season.

East Coast vs. Best Buy Coast

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/09/10 11:45AM

In a literal interpretation of the Geek Squad, this Best Buy crew formed a dope rap posse. Rhymes about the hard knock shrink-management life reinvent tedious team building tasks to build a workforce with the illest morale in da game.

What Did Oprah Do to Destroy America Today?

The Cajun Boy · 05/21/09 07:46PM

Oprah, America's thuggish overlord and faux cultural tastemaker, was out there today, as she always is, polluting the airwaves with her little syndicated serf-indoctrination program, looking for something cool to run up to, drop her pants, and shit all over. What did she defecate on top of today? Skype!

Buffalo Plane Crash Kills 49

Ryan Tate · 02/13/09 01:56AM

A Continental Express flight from Newark crashed into a home in the suburbs near its destination of Buffalo. All 48 people on the plane were killed, plus one on the ground.

The Blackest Friday

Richard Lawson · 11/28/08 02:30PM

So yes, today is Black Friday, the day when big stores roll out big, one-day-only bargains in the hopes of setting a high sales bar for the all-important Holiday Season (Christmas! And, to a much lesser extent, Chanukkah!) Good savings are especially urgent this year, with the economy in the crapper and everyone needing to buy things for as cheap as possible (just short of not buying it at all. That would be ludicrous!) Every year, people line up super, super early in the morning. And in some cases, store employees get trampled to death when the doors open and crazed shoppers try to push their way in. (Un)Fortunately there is no photo documentation of that particular melee, but Getty managed to snap some shots at Macy's in New York City and at a Best Buy electronics store in Los Angeles this morning and the madness is palpable. Click after the jump for a gallery.

iPhone fails to save Best Buy's bacon

Paul Boutin · 11/12/08 10:56AM

You can buy an iPhone at Best Buy, but more likely you won't buy anything at all this Xmas. The company's revised forecast predicts revenue between now and February may drop by 15 percent. CEO Brad Anderson's official statement is blunt: "Since mid-September, rapid, seismic changes in consumer behavior have created the most difficult climate we've ever seen ... Best Buy simply can't adjust fast enough to maintain our earnings momentum for this year." Cool, but seismic changes? Brad, come on out from Minnesota and we'll demo a real earthquake for you. (Photo by AP/Paul Sakuma)

Best Buy snapping up remains of Napster

Owen Thomas · 09/15/08 10:20AM

Over the years, the reports of Napster's death have been greatly exaggerated. But electronics retailer Best Buy may just manage to put a stake in its heart. Best Buy is buying the online music-subscription service for $121 million — $54 million, really, after setting aside the cash in Napster's bank account. A great return on investment, considering Napster's assets last sold for $5 million out of bankruptcy in 2002, right?Wrong. Roxio, a CD-burning software company, snapped up the Napster name and the technical assets of Shawn Fanning's file-sharing startup on the cheap. But sometimes you get what you pay for. Roxio shed its software business and took the Napster name, but never figured out how to profit from it. In the last year, it lost $16.5 million. And yet Napster managed to live on. If anyone can lay it in the ground once and for all, we're betting it's Best Buy. The retailer has stumbled from one unsuccessful online-music strategy to another, most recently through a partnership with RealNetworks' also-ran music site, Rhapsody. Why doesn't Best Buy just ask Steve Jobs for more iPods to sell? That seems easier.

Street Talk: Lehman Files for Bankruptcy, Merrill Is Sold

cityfile · 09/15/08 05:20AM
  • After frantic takeover talks with Bank of America and Barclays ended over the weekend—and after the U.S. government declined to provide a bailout—Lehman Brothers was forced to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection this morning, marking an end to the 158-year-old firm. [Bloomberg, NYT, WSJ]