Photo: Getty

Sarah Palin may soon exchange her current occupation as professional rambler for another more structured job as the second hand to a shouting, shriveled piece of dried mango.

According to political insider and barely-awake neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Sarah Palin is among the names that Republican presidential nominee-to-be Donald Trump may tap for his vice president. Carson told The Washington Post that Palin is among a list that includes John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Chris Christie.

Imagine if Trump actually chose Palin? Imagine if we had a repeat of 2008? Imagine if we had to endure another six months of the former Alaska Gov. shouting about mavericks and Bill Nye and kicking ISIS’ ass?

Better yet, just imagine Sarah Palin in the White House, serving as the Vice President of the United States of America. I’ll bet it’d look something like this.