Twelve years ago to the day, on January 19, 2004, former governor of Vermont Howard Dean stuck a microphone in his mouth and let loose a war cry the likes of which no single human being should have ever been able to create. And yet—Howard Dean screamed. Oh, how Howard Dean screamed.

This is the actual Scream:

And this is how I prefer to remember the Scream:

Yes, Howard Dean screamed a scream so shrill and disquieting that it was destined live on forever in our hearts and on our computer screens. It introduced many of us to the idea that, perhaps, there is a darkness in this world after all. And that’s alright. Because should that darkness ever overwhelm you, be like Howard Dean—and scream.

So happy birthday to the scream that will forever be the defining moment of Howard Dean’s presidential dreams. We’ll never forget you, no matter how hard we try.

Contact the author at Image via AP.