[There was a video here]

A&E's Intervention, the reality show about addiction-cum-vehicle for some of the most extreme human behavior ever shown on television, ended with last night's episode. It was its 194th. A&E announced the cancelation in May, and while the network didn't specific exactly why, it's clear that the 8-year-old show has been eclipsed in ratings by newer A&E franchises. Last week's new Intervention episode nabbed 1.35 million viewers, while a Duck Dynasty rerun that aired Wednesday night did 1.56 million viewers.

The last Intervention episode was a fairly straightforward one, profiling heroin addict Eric (this season was particularly heroin-heavy). Tacked to the finale's end was the sentimental retrospective above, in which past subjects of the show sang its praises. Included in the reel is Allison, the Internet-cherished former dust-remover huffer, who according to Vulture's entertaining oral history of the show, is now studying to be an interventionalist herself.

The goodbye package also included some statistics-based back-patting: Of the 243 addicts profiled on the show, 238 went into treatment and 156 are sober today. That's lower than the 71 percent success rate The Daily Beast reported in 2010, but impressive for a show whose detractors have written it off as exploitation of humans at their low points.

As of 2012, four Intervention subjects had died of causes directly related to their addictions. Five more died as a result of other causes, including abuse of substances other than those featured on their episode. As a comparison, five out of the forty subjects of VH1's Celebrity Rehab have died in the time after their appearance on the show.