A story about the supreme awkwardness of Ted Cruz in the New York Times Wednesday reveals the candidate’s propensity for the uncomfortable sex joke, such as the one he likes to tell about his horny Irish Catholic great-grandparents. But what type of joke is this?

The piece opens with the following lighthearted exchange Cruz had with an attendee at a recent campaign event in Iowa. Frankly, I don’t get it, and apparently no one in attendance got it either.

“You have lots of toys?” he asked 3-year-old Isaac Josselyn. Nothing.

“What’s your favorite toy?” More silence.

“Do you have a dinosaur?’”

“Do you have a fire truck?”

“You have a toy monkey?”

Isaac stared blankly.

“A toy monkey!” Mr. Cruz shouted, revving for a punch line no one understood. “You know what that means? You get to be the monkey in the house!”

Someone please explain the joke to me.

Image via AP. Contact the author at andy@gawker.com.