There are three things we know for certain: That is Banksy's truck; that is Banksy's installation; and that photo was taken at Banksy's warehouse. But one question remains: Is the man in this photo Banksy?

One New York-based DJ, who says he regularly visits the Red Hook warehouse where Banksy and his crew are confirmed to have set up shop for the renowned street artist's month-long NYC residency, has no doubt.

"I found Banksy," he tweeted this morning to several local media outlets.

Elaborating on his claim to Gothamist, DJ Jon Henry says he walked up to the crew and asked them some questions but got the cold shoulder.

However, he noted that a hat-wearing man perched atop the truck "had an English accent" and "was directing the guys what to do."

Gothamist was understandably skeptical that the elusive Bristol Bomber had at long last been verifiably found, but they couldn't help but notice something rather noteworthy in another one of Henry's photos: An individual standing next to the truck bore a striking resemblance to a man previously identified as Banksy.

Henry has since rejected Gothamist's theory, saying the person they fingered did not speak with an English accent.

Whether or not any of the men in the photos turn out to be the man himself, the possibility still remains that Banksy isn't so much one person as a very tight-lipped art collective.

[H/T: Gothamist, photos via @DjJonHenry]