Think "White Pride" is racist? Well guess again, bozo, because noted racism experts the Ku Klux Klan say it isn't—and they have the adorable stock photos to prove it!

It's all explained by a new KKK-funded billboard that recently went up in Harrison, Arkansas. "It's NOT Racist to♡Your People" argues the cutesy ad for

And it's not just the Klan who thinks so either. "I don't see it as being any kind of a racism sign," Fayetteville resident Yolanda Riggins told KOLR.

Just what is, you ask? From their "About" page:

A lot of people recognize that there is an ongoing program of genocide against white people. There are websites, newsletters, videos, and radio shows, but too many talk about family without including the family.

It has always been our mission to not just promote the white family, but to make them a part of this cause of white Christian revival.

Yep, nothing racist to see here. Just a station providing wholesome family entertainment, like a recent half hour block of neo-Nazi band Skrewdriver.

[Images via KOLR//h/t Mediaite]