The 115th Hunger Games movie will release this coming week, so a fitting choice to host Saturday night's episode of SNL was goofball Woody Harrelson and his closest companion, maryjane. In the True Detective actor's silly monologue, his pals from the HG franchise came by to jog his weed-addled memory.

Jennifer Lawrence was her typical likable self, phenomenally fucking up her lines on live television, right after Harrelson exclaimed, "The real Taylor Swift—right here!!"

The best sketch from the night—by a long shot—was The Dudleys: a sitcom that changes its cast based on Twitter warriors' criticisms about gender, race, and sexual orientation of its characters.

Another great pre-recorded sketch imagined de Blasio's New York since the newly enforced looser marijuana laws. Sure looks like heaven out there.

Kendrick Lamar was the musical guest on the episode and performed the polarizing "i" and "Pay For It." He appears remarkably sweaty (??) and wearing black contact lenses (?), but otherwise Lamar put on an energetic performance sure to convert any non-believers.

The rest of the episode, which was just OK, can be caught here.