The last few days of the year are a great time for everyone to reflect—especially Teresa Giudice, who's heading to prison in a week for bankruptcy, mail, and wire fraud. After all her literal and figurative trials this year, Teresa is committed to improving herself in 2015. Her first step? She'll "stop eating bad carbs."

In another sad YouTube video about her lifestyle, Tree gets spiritual with fellow Real Housewife Dina Manzo, talking about what she would like to "manifest" for herself in the new year. "Going forward, I would like to stop eating bad carbs," she explains.

Dina then offers her 2015 goal: "I want to build an ass." Teresa likes this idea, exclaiming, "I want to do that too!"

Ultimately, Teresa notes, she "just wants to keep being around positive people that make me happy." She starts her 15-month sentence at FCI Danbury on January 5.