If you have always wanted to have a confusing four word conversation with Jay-Z while he laughs at you, now is your chance: He is currently responding to fans on Twitter. And laughing at them a lot, via the hashtag #mylaugh. The vibe is kind of weird. Sort of like if you and Jay-Z ran into one another at the grocery store and didn't really have anything to say to one another, but still wanted to talk.

So far we've learned that he hasn't had cereal in a while:

RT @Timberflake27 Mr. Jay z what's your favorite cereal? [cap'n crunch growing up. I haven't had cereal in a bit #factsonly]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013

That Beyoncé says swears in private:

RT @LucaBrasi718 What Beyonce Say To You After This? ["Doing all sorts of twisted shit with your fingers" #mylaugh]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013

And that Jay-Z would make a great kindergarten teacher, because he's very encouraging.

RT @anthonyandmore [You win for honesty #factsonly]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013

RT @BLAZNBEAUTY I wonder why Jay Z actually responding to tweets? [great question..I don't have a great response #factsonly]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013

As of 1:30, he's still responding to tweets. What questions or advice would you have for a lonely dad who spends his days talking to strangers on twitter?

[Image via AP]