The word "epic" is by far the most tossed-around of all the Internetisms.

In fact, its overuse is so rampant that many now actively skip videos that are described as being "epic."

Which would be a crying shame in the case of Jimmy Fallon's latest Lip Sync-Off, because it just might be the only video currently on the web deserving of that label.

Picture this: Nearly 10 whole minutes of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Stephen Merchant, and Fallon himself lip-synching their guts out to such classic songs as "Take On Me," "Tiny Dancer," and Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass."

Even Homer would have to agree that sounds pretty epic.

Also, it's true what they say: You haven't truly lived until you've seen Stephen Merchant lip-sync to Beyoncé's "Single Ladies."

If you get overheated, chase it down with Fallon's previous Lip Sync-Off, starring The Office's John Krasinski:

[video via LNWJF]