On Sunday, John Kerry broke his leg while riding his bicycle in France, the New York Times reports. The Secretary of State’s plans to travel to Madrid and then Paris to discuss the Islamic State have been canceled.

The State Department said that Kerry struck a curb while bicycling near Scionzier. He crashed, broke his leg, and was transported to a hospital in Geneva. He reportedly did not lose consciousness at any point.

“Secretary Kerry broke his right femur in a bicycling accident this morning in Scionzier, France,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. “Given the injury is near the site of his prior hip surgery, he will return to Boston today to seek treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital with his doctor who did the prior surgery.”

The Times reports that Kerry plans to participate in Tuesday’s meeting in Paris—a gathering of foreign ministers from the coalition assembled by the United States to combat ISIS—by videoconference.

Photo Credit: AP Images. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.