Forget Ryan Gosling; John Malkovich is here.

According to reports, the angel-voiced character actor was smoking a cigarette on the street in Toronto on Thursday when a 77-year-old Ohio man tripped and fell in front of him, slashing his throat on some scaffolding. Malkovich, in town to portray Casanova in The Giacomo Variations, promptly whipped off his scarf and came to the rescue, applying pressure to the man's neck until an ambulance came.

At some point the Ohio man asked Malkovich who he was, to which he replied simply, "John." He also apparently comforted the man, telling him, "Listen, they got a really good (health care) system up here."

When the ambulance arrived, Malkovich and the man's wife thanked each other in traditional Canadian custom.

"Malkovich turned and thanked me. I thanked him. We couldn't shake hands, I was covered in blood. He was just off, didn't want any attention. He's a gentleman and a compassionate person," the man's wife told CTV News.

The injured man, who did not know who Malkovich was at the time, has now sworn to watch all of his movies.

[THR, photo via AP]