Justin Bieber lost his virginity over the weekend. Well, his "having bras thrown on stage" virginity, anyway.

Where once were "stuffed bears and Bedazzled posters" now lay a Belieber's "lone beige-colored bra" at the feet of a pensive pop star.

"I guess everyone grows up," Milestone Award winner Bieber captioned his instagrammed photo of the rite de passage.

But unfortunately for Bieber, bras do not adults make, and the 19-year-old was still asked to leave a 21-and-over nightclub in Hollywood after he tried to sneak in through the backdoor.

"The Game was on the mic at this point and saw Bieber trying to get in and shouted that Bieber was on his way inside," a source told E! News. "That's when security saw him and escorted him out immediately. He left right away, he seemed really embarrassed."

[screengrab via Instagram]