For months, people have been speculating about just what kind of tiny beast was growing inside of Kim Kardashian's stomach. A boy? A girl? An accordion? Negative space? Turns out it's a girl.

The news was revealed on Sunday night's episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which is sweet because it means one day Kim Kardashian can tell her daughter the big reveal of her sex scored much lower among the key women 18-34 demographic than did Mom's fake wedding to a mediocre professional basketball player. Then she can tell her a bedtime story about the intricacies of California divorce law. They're going to make a lot of memories.

Before the doctor confirmed Kim was expecting a girl, Kim's mother Kris asked if he could see "a little peepee" in the ultrasound image. Kim interjected that the baby "definitely would take after his father, so you would see [a penis]" if it had one, inadvertently confirming that Kanye West's penis is the size of a less than full term baby's penis.

After searching to no avail for a wee baby diq, the doctor confirmed that the fetus took after its mother (by having a vagina).

[Image via AP]

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