Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Deep Space Nine stars Kendall and Kylie Jenner have been making talk show appearances all week to promote their new dystopian science fiction novel, Rebels: City of Indra. Wait a minute, Kendall "The Worst Reader, You Guys" Jenner wrote a dystopian science fiction novel?

Sort of. Not really. Okay, no.

Rebels was ghostwritten by Maya Sloan—author of Rich Kids of Instagram based on input "from the minds of Kendall and Kylie," who told Good Morning America "we were thinking of an idea of what we would like to see in a movie."

What they would like to see in a movie is A Tale of Two Cities, but set in a dystopia 200 years from now and starring two superpowered girls who don't realize that (spoiler) they're actually twins.

"It took us two years, so we've obviously been working on it for a while. It was awesome just seeing it grow," Kylie said, with no credit to Sloan.

"We obviously can't write a sci-fi novel on our own, so we had some help," Kendall admitted.

"I worked with lots of teenagers, both teaching theatre and writing," Sloan said last year, "I just like how they think… [I] listen to them. Ask them questions and ask what matters to them."

Rebels came out Tuesday and has a one-star average on Amazon so far. But, to be fair to the Jenners (and especially to Sloan), most of the reviewers haven't actually read the book. ("My dog loves the feel of paper on his butt." - An Amazon Reviewer)

There are already plans for a possible sequel. Of course there are.

[H/T BroBible, Photo: AP Images]