Kendall Jenner's lawyer says the young Keeping Up With the Kardashians 2: The Wrath of Khan star is prepared to sue a waitress who claimed last week that Kendall ran out on a bill and then threw cash in her face when confronted.

Attorney Marty Singer claims in a letter obtained by TMZ that, contrary to Mercer Kitchen waitress Blaine Morris's account on Twitter, Kendall didn't throw money in anyone's face. Singer says that an "extremely apologetic" Kendall actually "politely handed" Morris $40, which was enough money to cover the bill and the tip.

Page Six had previously reported that witnesses saw Kendall, 18, leave the restaurant without paying because Morris wouldn't serve her alcohol, and then throw a couple of twenties at the waitress to cover a $60 tab.

Kendall and her friend, Stephen Baldwin's daughter Hailey, were said to have laughed about the incident.

"Although you are working as a waitress at Mercer Kitchen, I understand you are also a struggling actress," Singer wrote, taking a dig at Morris, who's best known for her recurring role on Skins.

"You no doubt concocted a fictionalized account of your encounter with my client in order to create publicity for yourself."

TMZ says the letter accused Morris of defaming Kendall, and threatens a lawsuit.

[Photo: Getty Images]