According to CNN, the big-dicked killer escapee Richard Matt gave his lover and supervisor Joyce “Tillie” Mitchell more than just companionship and a beautiful painting: he also gave her pills to “incapacitate” her husband, who the pair were planning on murdering.

The new details regarding the odd couple’s equally fascinating and horrifying love affair was apparently, for some reason, volunteered to the network by Mitchell’s lawyer.

Mitchell’s attorney told CNN that Matt gave Mitchell pills that he claimed would incapacitate Lyle, but that Mitchell had no idea what they were exactly, and destroyed them.

According to the Buffalo Daily News, Matt handed her the pills the day before he and Sweat escaped.

“The escape is on. Pick us up at midnight,” Matt said, according to information Mitchell provided in a series of interviews with authorities. He then handed her two pills intended to incapacitate Lyle Mitchell – also a civilian worker at the prison – before Matt would kill him that night inside the Mitchell home.

“I’m going to take care of the glitch,” Matt said, referring to Lyle Mitchell.

But the glitch was in the matrix—the lawyer says Tillie changed her mind that night while eating a last supper of Chinese, later destroying the pills and betraying the prisoners, who had planned on driving with her to Mexico.

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