Two more little earthquakes hit the Los Angeles area this morning. Imagine me saying that in the most ennui-laden voice possible, since it happens all the time now. Does this portend L.A.'s final doom? Maybe.

Personally, I could not care less about the impending collapse of Los Angeles into the Pacific Ocean; my attitude is, "If you don't want to collapse into the Pacific Ocean at any moment, do not live in Los Angeles." Besides "Los Angelenos," merely by living where they do, have already disregarded serious risks of death by drought, pollution, police brutality, or asteroid strike. Earthquakes would be a relatively painless way to go, all things considered.

Still, this is not the most comforting headline for L.A. residents to read in their local paper today: "Quakes are increasing, but scientists aren't sure what it mean." Thanks, scientists!

After a relatively quiet period of seismic activity in the Los Angeles area, the last five months have been marked by five earthquakes larger than 4.0. That hasn't occurred since 1994, the year of the destructive Northridge earthquake that produced 53 such temblors.


"Probably this will be it, and there won't be any more 4s. But the chance we will have a bigger earthquake this year is more than if we hadn't had this cluster," U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones said. "Every earthquake makes another earthquake more likely."

Probably this will be all of the earthquakes. There might be more earthquakes, though. There might even be a big earthquake. The little earthquakes sometimes come before the big earthquake, sometimes not. Coincidence, or foreshadowing of doom? We'll see.

Los Angeles is also home to Chet Haze. Coincidence, or foreshadowing of doom? We'll see.

[Photo of L.A.'s past and future: AP]