LAPD Claims The Jinx Had Nothing to Do With Robert Durst's Arrest

Nearly everyone following the riveting HBO series The Jinx agrees that the documentary had at least something to do with the arrest of its subject, Robert Durst, on Saturday night. The one exception, it seems, is the LAPD, which is somehow claiming that Durst's arrest warrant was issued entirely based on evidence uncovered during their investigation and not because of anything from The Jinx.
"We based our actions based on the investigation and the evidence," LAPD Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese Albanese told the Los Angeles Times. "We didn't base anything we did on the HBO series. The arrest was made as a result of the investigative efforts and at a time that we believe it was needed…We're constantly looking at cold cases—this being one of them."
Never mind that Durst was arrested just twenty hours before HBO aired the six-part series' finale—during which Durst practically confessed—or that last Sunday's show revealed a damning piece of evidence previously unavailable to police. The arrest was due to LAPD's hard work—the timing was just a coincidence—sure.
The Jinx director Andrew Jarecki said earlier today that he turned over all information related to the case to police "months ago," though he hasn't yet commented on the LAPD's most recent statement.