The Los Angeles Police Department announced this morning that they are testing a knife once found on property owned by the relatively unknown accused murderer O.J. Simpson.

Per the Los Angeles Times, the knife was turned over to police “a number of years ago” (TMZ says it might have been as long ago as 1998) but is apparently only now being seriously investigated:

The knife was apparently turned over to a police officer a number of years ago by a person working construction at the property, a law enforcement source said.

Detectives more recently learned of the knife’s existence and are now investigating where it came from, according to the source, who cautioned that the investigation is still in its early stages.

The officer who had the knife was retiring and apparently informed Robbery Homicide detectives of the weapons’ existence in the last few months. An LAPD detective informed superiors, who immediately launched an investigation into the knife’s history and ordered a series of forensic tests to determine whether it had any connection with the 1994 murders of Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman.

It’s amazing that the LAPD was unable to help secure a conviction in this highly scrutinized double murder!

In a press conference held this morning, an LAPD spokesperson said he didn’t think Simpson could be tried again for murder due to double jeopardy laws. Maybe they can try charging him with littering?

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