Lawsuit Alleges X-Men Director Drugged, Raped Underage Boy

X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening and forcibly sodomizing a minor in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court in Hawaii.
The plaintiff, Michael Egan, says he was 17 when he met Singer through a Hollywood sex ring run by Digital Entertainment Network founder Marc Collins-Rect0r, a convicted sex offender who pled guilty to luring minors across state lines for sex in 2004.
Egan, who was then an aspiring model, was introduced to Collins-Rector in 1998. Not long after that, Collins-Rector put him on the DEN payroll as an actor and required him to have sex with adults—including Singer—when they visited Collins-Rector's home, known as the M&C Estate.
Egan alleges that he was forced to drink, surreptitiously drugged, and sexually assaulted at M&C parties on multiple occasions, once at gunpoint.
Approximately 2–3 months after Collins-Rector began sexually abusing Plaintiff, Defendant Singer was socializing with Collins-Rector around the estate's swimming pool and Plaintiff was in the pool. In compliance with the "rules" imposed by Collins-Rector that people in the pool area were not allowed to wear clothes, Plaintiff was nude as was Defendant Singer. Collins-Rector ordered Plaintiff out of the pool, and Defendant Singer hugged Plaintiff and grabbed his bare buttocks. They then went to the jacuzzi where Collins-Rector had Plaintiff sit on his lap and fondled Plaintiff's genitals.
Collins-Rector then passed Plaintiff to Defendant Singer and Plaintiff was made to sit on Defendant Singer's lap. Defendant Singer provided an alcoholic beverage to Plaintiff and mentioned finding a role for him in an upcoming movie that he was directing. Defendant Singer told Plaintiff how "this group" controls Hollywood, and that he was sexy. Defendant Singer masturbated Plaintiff and then performed oral sex upon him. Defendant Singer solicited Plaintiff to perform oral sex upon him which Plaintiff resisted. Defendant Singer flagrantly disregarded Plaintiff's unwillingness to submit, and forced Plaintiff's head underwater to make Plaintiff perform oral sex upon him. When Plaintiff pulled his head out of the water in order to breathe, Defendant Singer demanded that he continue which Plaintiff refused. Defendant Singer then forced Plaintiff to continue performing oral sex upon him outside of the pool, and subsequently forcibly sodomized Plaintiff.
The lawsuit—filed a month before the X-Men release—is deliberately geared for a media spectacle. Egan has four lawyers—three Florida bar members and a Hawaii attorney serving as local counsel—who put out a press release earlier today announcing, "JEFF HERMAN (, a nationally-recognized attorney for victims of sexual abuse, announces the filing of a lawsuit against BRYAN SINGER for the sexual abuse of an underage boy."
According to Egan's attorneys, they filed in Hawaii instead of Nevada—where Egan lives—or California—where Singer lives—because some of the alleged events took place at the Paul Mitchell estate in Kailua.
During the first of the above-referenced trips to Hawaii, Plaintiff was instructed that he would spend the first two nights in a room with Defendant Singer. During the first night, Plaintiff took a long walk by himself. When he returned to the Paul Mitchell estate, he came across Defendant Singer who was in the pool area. Defendant Singer verbally and loudly confronted Plaintiff for not having been available for him earlier and demanded that he undress.
Defendant Singer frightened Plaintiff by pushing him into the pool, and rebuked Plaintiff for his attitude and reminded him that he was there to keep people happy. Defendant Singer put a handful of cocaine against Plaintiff's nose and forced him to inhale it. Defendant Singer then provided Plaintiff with a beverage which he drank which significantly impacted his consciousness and his motor skills. Defendant Singer then entered the pool where he nonconsensually masturbated Plaintiff and performed oral sex upon him. Defendant Singer caused Plaintiff to rub his erect penis against Defendant Singer's buttocks. He forced Plaintiff's head underwater and made Plaintiff orally copulate him. He then caused Plaintiff to get out of the pool and lie face down on a lounge chair. To continue the sexual assault, Defendant Singer spit on Plaintiff's buttocks, spanked him, and forced a handful of cocaine onto Plaintiff's face. He then anally raped Plaintiff. He subsequently caused them to go to the jacuzzi where he provided another beverage to Plaintiff. Defendant Singer attempted to insert his penis into Plaintiff's mouth which Plaintiff resisted, but he ultimately was able to force his penis into Plaintiff's mouth. Defendant Singer then assisted Plaintiff to their room where he again anally raped Plaintiff.
Egan says to placate him, Singer would promise him acting roles in his movies that never materialized.
The complaint details dozens of other assaults and requests a jury trial. Singer, through his attorneys, called the lawsuit a publicity play.
"We are very confident that Bryan will be vindicated in this absurd and defamatory lawsuit," said attorney Martin Singer. "It is obvious that this case was filed in an attempt to get publicity at the time when Bryan' s new movie is about to open in a few weeks."