Mike Turner is 27, and his parents really must want him to move the hell out. So much so that they've dedicated more than $600,000 to his candidacy to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Via Mother Jones' Molly Redden:

Turner, is in a six-way Republican primary for Oklahoma's fifth congressional district. And his campaign has taken getting help from your parents to new heights: A super-PAC that appears to be financed by his mom has paid for $225,693 worth of pro-Turner ads. Turner donated $375,000 to his own campaign—money earned partly from his stake in the family trucking business. And when Turner filed papers to run for Congress, he listed as his address his childhood home.

Not that Turner is loafing; like most millennials, he's held plenty of part-time work. In 2013, he was elected to the Oklahoma House, where he became known for introducing a bill to ban all marriage in Oklahoma. That way, Turner explained, the state could prevent same-sex marriage without running afoul of the Supreme Court ruling that same-sex marriage bans were unconstitutional.

Outside of his work as a government official, Turner doesn't seem to have much of a resumé. He says he's an "entrepreneur and consultant," but Mother Jones couldn't turn up any businesses he runs or consults.

He does, however, have a home. Or at least a share of one:

There is one way in which Turner stands out from the rest of the boomerang generation. Although he lists the Edmond home as his address, Turner isn't exactly living in his childhood home—because he is now the house's part-owner. The title for the 6,000-square-foot house, valued by Zillow at $1.1 million, was recently transferred to the Turner Family Trust and the Michael Jeffrey Turner Trust.

See, kids? All that conservative hard work and never asking for handouts really pays off. And fast.

[Photo credit: Friends of Mike Turner]