“I want to get away, I want to fly away,” is what I assume Lenny Kravitz’s dick was singing to itself when it fell out of his pants yesterday at a concert in Stockholm.

See, Kravitz was wearing some leather trousers. And he wasn’t wearing anything under the trousers. And then the trousers ripped, and his dick flopped out in front of thousands of people.

A fan spoke to the paper about the incident saying, “The producer stepped up and said that they had some problems onstage. A bit later Kravitz came out wearing other trousers. He said ‘sorry, I ripped my trousers’.”

To be fair to Kravitz, the trouser rip dick slip wasn’t intentional (I hope), though it does appear he was dressed for the occasion in some sort of fancy jewelry...

...But I don’t even think millions of people seeing his cock beringed is the worst thing that happened to Kravitz that day—because then this fan gave a first-person testimonial:

“It was insane, I killed myself laughing. And then I called my mum who was there at the show as well. Her reaction was the same and she almost killed herself laughing too,” she added.

Swedish woman, mama let him be!

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.