We periodically run letters from death row inmates. Today we bring you a letter from Donnie Edward Johnson, a death row inmate in Tennessee, who was sentenced to die for the 1984 murder of his wife, Connie Johnson.

Donnie Johnson, who is now 64 years old, is scheduled to be executed in March of this year. He was convicted of the suffocation murder of his wife three decades ago. Johnson acknowledges being involved in the crime, but denies being the murderer.

In his letter to us, Johnson discusses his upbringing and life before prison, his religious beliefs, his work in prison, and other thoughts. To enlarge any of the pages posted below for ease of reading, click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner.

We publish letters from death row inmates not to re-litigate their cases or to take any position on their guilt or innocence, but to hear from a group of people who do not often get heard.


The full archive of our "Death Row Letters" series can be found here.

[Image by Jim Cooke]