After a string of deadly terror attacks that began with Wednesday's Charlie Hebdo shooting, as many as a million people swarmed the streets of Paris today for a unity rally that also drew more than 40 world leaders, including Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas, the U.K.'s David Cameron and Angela Merkel of Germany.

"Paris is the capital of the world today," said French president Francois Hollande on Sunday. "The whole country will rise up."

According to the BBC, crowds at Paris's Place de la Republique expressed solidarity by singing the French national anthem and chanting "Liberte! Liberte! Charlie! Charlie!" before the march.

Below is RT's live stream of the rally, which began at 3 p.m. local time:

UPDATE: French officials estimate 1.3 million people came to today's rally, more than celebrated the Liberation of Paris in 1944, reportedly making it the largest demonstration in France's history.

[Image via AP Images]