According to French authorities, a tiger is on the loose near Disneyland Paris. Please, if you're currently visiting the tourist destination, stay indoors and quit bragging about your fun vacation jesus christ.

The AP reports that the town of Montevrain alerted its Facebook followers about the young tiger on Thursday, saying it was found by a resident about five-and-a-half miles from Disneyland Paris. Jean-Baptiste Berdeaux spoke to the French media about the moment his wife spotted the animal, saying, "She didn't get out of the car and called me to say, 'I think I saw a lynx.'"

Cedric Tartaud, chief of staff for the Montevrain mayor, said 60 police, firefighters, and security forces are currently trying to track the tiger. From the AP:

Police were using a helicopter to help search for the animal, and a wolf-catcher was also drafted in to aid in the search, Seine-et-Marne authorities said.

Police and rescue squads at the scene have roped off a security perimeter, authorities added and urged people living in Montevrain, Chessy and Chalifert to remain indoors. If they had to travel, police advised them to stay in their cars.

A police source told Agence France-Presse, "We have been running after it since this morning. Police officers are trying to intercept it." According to Mirror, police have warned that the search may go into the night.

Where did the tiger come from, you're probably wondering? Well, there is a wild cat animal park about 18 miles from Montevrain, but the Parc des Felins reportedly released a statement on its website saying all of its cats were accounted for. Likewise, EuroDisney deflected blame with an airtight alibi: Disneyland Paris does not have any tigers, so probably this tiger is not their tiger.

So. Whose tiger is it? Is it your tiger? Man, you've got to be more careful with your tiger!

[image via Twitter]