You do not make fun of Taylor Swift's little booty on Twitter and get away with it, my friend. Not when Lorde's ancient spirit is also on Twitter.

The Twitter spat began yesterday, when Diplo—boyfriend of Katy Perry, the subject of Taylor Swift's bad blood anthem "Bad Blood"—tweeted that someone should make a Kickstarter to get Taylor Swift a booty:

Hmm. Maybe you should just do it yourself if you want it so bad, Diplo? Lazy. Of course, someone did it for Diplo almost instantly, ensuring that Diplo will never learn his lesson:

The Fundly campaign to get Taylor Swift a booty asks for a mere $3,500, over a grand less than the average price of a butt augmentation. One has to assume the creator of the Fundly, Eric Spivak, was planning on Taylor Swift kicking in the difference. As of posting, the Fundly has raised $45.

Then Lorde—sweet old witch and friend of Taylor Swift, who is the enemy of Katy Perry, who is the girlfriend of Diplo—told Diplo to do something about his—almost certainly accurately—tiny penis:

The End

[ images via Getty]