[There was a video here]

Wresting the dark story away from TMZ, E! aired an "exclusive interview" with Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch Mama June, who was finally forced to (sort of) address the deeply depressing rumor that she's back together with a convicted child molester who raped her oldest daughter.

The much-hyped segment about June's ex- and probably current boyfriend, convicted child molester Mark McDaniel was an exclusive interview in the sense that it was filmed and there were questions asked.

E!: Have you talked to Mark lately?

June: No. That will all come out, I don't want to say anything about anything.

E!: Do you want to say anything to the people who say you're crazy and how can you let your child around that man?

June: No. But that will all come out.

E!: A lot of the people who love you say you would never be so foolish as to allow that man around your children.

June: Okay well let me say, that's gonna come out.

E! also cited a source close to the family, scoring Guiliana Rancic's voiceover with dark, ominous music to indicate how fucking awful this entire story is.

"The source tells E! News Mama June's daughter Pumpkin looks to Mark as a father because he raised her from a few months old to five. Alanna only likes Mark because Pumpkin likes him, but her older sister Chubbs is not a fan."

According to the criminal indictment, Pumpkin, then three, was forced to watch as McDaniel molested her sister Anna, who was eight years old at the time.

Anna says that despite June's denials, her mother is happy to be back together with McDaniel and is "smiling and giggling when he's around." McDaniel, who was released from prison earlier this year, was recently photographed on a stairwell holding on to Honey Boo Boo's arm.