A Minnesota man has been arrested for elder neglect after he brought his 90-year-old mother to the bank and withdrew $850 in her name. Their stop at Wells Fargo came just hours before the man reported his mother dead, and police suspect he may have put her corpse in a wheelchair and used it to get the money.

David Vanzo, of Plymouth, Minn., denies his mom was dead when he made the withdrawal, but detectives find the circumstances suspicious. Vanzo had been investigated multiple times for financial exploitation.

"There was a reverse mortgage his mother couldn't explain to the tune of $118,000, cash withdrawals of $47,500, and another for $25,600," Fox 9 reports.

In a search warrant, cops said witnesses at the bank told them the woman's feet were dragging under the wheelchair, she didn't move, and they couldn't tell whether she was breathing.

When police responded to Vanzo's call seven hours later, telling them his mom had died, they found the woman in her bed in a room with a strong odor of piss and shit. She was wearing a fur coat and a pair of boots "covered in feces."

Vanzo says he got the $850 from a joint account and never neglected his mother.

When a Fox 9 reporter came to his house to ask why his mom had been covered in excrement, he responded, "What's excrement?"

"Excrement is poop," the reporter explained.

"No, no, no," he said. "I hadn't changed her that day."

"My mother and I had an agreement," he said. "I took care of my mom for years, I'm the good guy here, not the bad guy."

[Photo: Fox 8]