A teenager in Hueytown, Alabama was allegedly so angry that he didn't lose weight on the infamous Jared diet that he robbed four Subway sandwich shops in four days. The teen said that since the diet didn't work, he robbed the stores in order to get his money back.

Eighteen-year-old Zachary Torrance went from Subway shop to Subway shop near Hueytown, holding up the stores for money, over the course of four days. He was caught on Wednesday when a man recognized his face from photos posted on the local police station's Facebook page. Torrance was in a Walmart when police arrested him.

Via AL.com:

Zachary Rapheal Torrance, 18, was arrested at the Walmart in Hueytown Thursday night, said Police Chief Hagler. He is charged with first-degree robbery, and is being transferred to the Jefferson County Jail with bond set at $250,000.

The chief said the Fairfield teen admitted to the Hueytown holdup, and investigators asked him why he did it. "I don't know if he was kidding or not, but he said he had tried the Jared diet and it hadn't worked for him so he wanted his money back,'' Hagler said.

Jared Fogle has not contributed a comment.

[Image via New York Daily News]