An official inquest into the mysterious death of Jason Airey was unable to determine exactly what led the 37-year-old to suddenly stop living shortly after opening a container inscribed with the words "Pandora's box."

Airey was found slumped forward with his face down in the bedroom of his family home in Carlisle (UK). He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but passed away two days later.

According to officials, the opened "Pandora's box" beside him contained a small packet of synthetic cannabis, which was unused.

In fact, there were no traces of any drugs in his system at the time of death, and his father claimed Airey "hadn’t taken any drugs after having a bad experience with ecstasy 13 years ago."

Dennis Airey further told the inquest that his son was in a good mood, and was "just his normal self" before his unexplained demise.

The coroner concluded that Airey's heart stopped beating, but could only offer up conjecture as to why.

"His heart stopping caused the death of his brain which caused multiple organ failure," Robert Chapman said. "We don’t really know what caused his heart to stop."

[image via Shutterstock]