Man Finds Tree That Looks Like Virgin Mary, Lies Local Paper

The front page, above-the-fold news in the St. Augustine (FL) Record today: "St. Augustine Shores man discovers likeness of Virgin Mary in tree."
This vaguely humanoid tree outcropping is not the first miracle that St. Augustine resident Luis Iglesias has experienced:
In New York, he remembers the time that he found a lost wallet through a very fortunate circumstance. There was the other time, when he and his daughter were reeling in their rods, frustrated after a day without catching a thing. He prayed — cursed, really — and as they reeled in their last rod, they brought in a fish.
He called these two moments miracles[.]
I don't think the fact that this tree does not actually look like the Virgin Mary should detract from its status as a miracle, or as front page news. August is a slow time for both.
[St. Augustine Record, my hometown paper. h/t: Walter Coker]