Man Shoots His Piece of Shit Computer Eight Times in a Back Alley

Lucas Hinch, of Colorado Springs, was, as he explained to police, “fed up” with his 2012 Dell XPS 410. That shit was not working. On Monday, Hinch had finally had enough: he dragged his computer into an alley and shot it eight times.“It was glorious,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “Angels sung on high.”
Hinch, 37, had apparently been in a back-and-forth dispute with his computer for the past “several months,” police told the Denver Post. The computer has been “effectively disabled,” cops say. “He had just gotten a new gun and had enough of his computer,” Lt. Catherine Buckley, a Colorado Springs police spokesperson, told the Times.
According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, Hinch was given a citation by police for firing his weapon within city limits; he awaits a court hearing in May for the misdemeanor charge.
In the police blotter entry of the incident obtained by the Smoking Gun, cops were very clear in titling their summary of events: “Man Kills His Computer.”

[Image via Colorado Springs Police]