Accused Planned Parenthood Shooter Admits Guilt By Screaming "I Am Guilty" in Court
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/09/15 04:28PMColorado Lawmaker: Planned Parenthood the "Real Culprit" in Fatal Shooting
Brendan O'Connor · 12/01/15 10:50PMWho Is Willing to Call the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting Terrorism?
Brendan O'Connor · 11/29/15 10:20PM
Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, does not think the deadly attack Friday at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood qualifies as terrorism: “I don’t think it would fall under quite the definition of domestic terrorism, although I’ll leave that to the Justice Department to make that determination.”
Three Dead, Nine Wounded After Attack at Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood [UPDATED]
Brendan O'Connor · 11/27/15 08:35PMFox News Commentator Blames Planned Parenthood Shooter on Obama
Ashley Feinberg · 11/27/15 07:48PMWhile Colorado police were apprehending the Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Friday night, Fox News was busy ensuring its level of discourse met our most base expectations. Which, of course, amounts to little more than: Thanks, Obama.
Colorado Springs Killer Uploaded Blog and Video Posts Rambling About Religion Days Before Shooting
Brendan O'Connor · 11/02/15 09:10PMShooting In Colorado Reportedly Leaves 4 Dead, Including Gunman
Melissa Cronin · 10/31/15 04:05PMMan Shoots His Piece of Shit Computer Eight Times in a Back Alley
Aleksander Chan · 04/22/15 12:17PM
Lucas Hinch, of Colorado Springs, was, as he explained to police, “fed up” with his 2012 Dell XPS 410. That shit was not working. On Monday, Hinch had finally had enough: he dragged his computer into an alley and shot it eight times.“It was glorious,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “Angels sung on high.”