"Dead" Man Wakes Up in Body Bag as Funeral Home Is About to Embalm Him

Early Thursday morning, workers at a funeral home were shocked when they found a man alive—and literally kicking—inside one of their body bags. The man was set to be embalmed later that morning.
After finding Walter Williams alive, the workers at Porter and Sons Funeral Home in Lexington, Mississippi quickly called the Holmes County Sheriff.
"I asked the coroner what happened, and the only thing he could say is that it's a miracle," Sheriff Willie March told WAPT.
But how'd this happen? At about 9 pm on Wednesday night, the county coroner declared Williams dead after he failed to find a pulse. Later that night, he was taken to the funeral home.
"I stood there and watched them put him in a body bag and zipped it up," Williams' nephew, Eddie Hester, told WAPT.
But about four hours later, Hester got a call. "That was at 10:30, and at 2:30, my cousin called me and said, 'Not yet,' and I said, 'What you mean not yet?' He said, 'Daddy still here,'" Hester said.
Workers at the funeral home found Williams after they heard him kicking from inside the zipped body bag. Williams was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he's in stable condition. For now, the coroner is blaming his mistake on Williams's pacemaker, which the coroner claims briefly stopped working—leading to the false death declaration—before later starting up again.
Williams is happy to be alive, according to his nephew.
"I don't know how long he's going to be here, but I know he's back right now. That's all that matters," Hester said.