First, a parody Twitter account called @BicycleLobby convinced the Associated Press it was claiming responsibility for the white flags that appeared mysteriously atop the Brooklyn Bridge last month. Then, it convinced the Manhattan District Attorney's office.

Friday, BicycleLobby—created in response to Wall Street Journal writer Dorothy Rabinowitz's memorable use of the phrase last year—published a subpoena it was issued on Scribd. The DA's office, like the AP and the New York Daily News before it, had evidently taken seriously a joke that the anonymous owners of the account were responsible for the flags, and was commanding the John Does behind it to hand over "any and all records" associated with the nefarious Bicycle Lobby.

It should be noted, perhaps, that BicycleLobby clearly identifies itself as a parody in its bio. Last week, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said the department has a "very good idea who's responsible" for the flags. Read the full text of the subpoena below.

[Image via AP]