
Protestors Shut Down New York Traffic For Second Night in a Row

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/04/14 08:15PM

Thousands of protestors shut down swathes of downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn in the second night of protests sparked by a grand jury's decision not to indict a police officer who killed Eric Garner in a chokehold this summer.

Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge

Maureen O'Connor · 05/26/11 11:19AM

On his evening commute, a Manhattan cyclist spied a strange beast at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. It had the scales of a fish, body of a serpent, head of a pit bull, and was the size of a large alligator. It was lying on a blue blanket, perhaps part of some strange ritual involving the can of Bud Light next to it. Unless these are the remains of a beer-swilling chupahipstera that died trying to reach Manhattan?

A Tree, Snows in Brooklyn

Brian Moylan · 01/21/11 08:01PM

[A pristine view from Brooklyn of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge this afternoon. The snow may look pretty right now, but good luck walking around in the slush all weekend. Image via Getty]

'Check Out the New Bridge I Just Bought'

Brian Moylan · 06/02/10 06:34PM

[Our most gullible vice president, Joe Biden, forked over big bucks today for a bridge in Brooklyn. OK, he was actually kicking off a $500 million renovation project of the famous landmark. So, same thing. Image via Getty]

New York City Bridges Falling Apart Or Whatever

abalk · 08/03/07 08:34AM

In the wake of the Minnesota bridge collapse, our very own Governor ordered a review of all the Empire State's spans. Guess what? Everything's falling apart! More than 2,000 are listed as "deficient," and, here in town, 16 of the 19 biggest bridges are only rated as fair or poor. Those assessments come from city inspections last year, so unless things can fix themselves, they're probably slightly worse. Among those receiving a rating of "poor" are the Tappan Zee and the Brooklyn Bridge. How bad is the city's most iconic overpass? Lori Ardito, first deputy transportation secretary, says it's not what you think.