Photo: Getty

Here’s a pretty picture to clearly illustrate the state of American politics today: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, hot on the heels of the end of his sluggish though stylish campaign, is likely to endorse Republican candidate Ted Cruz, a man who has bullied him mercilessly for months.

On Thursday, Rubio told The St. Paul Pioneer Press Cruz was “the only conservative left in the race.” Rubio was reportedly close to endorsing Cruz, but wasn’t making an official announcement yet.

“There’s time to prevent a Trump nomination, which I think would fracture the party and be damaging to the conservative movement,” Rubio said.

But things haven’t always been peachy between the two, who share Cuban ancestry but not a love of one another. Just one month ago, the two were sparring words at a Republican debate, with Rubio calling Cruz a liar.

Just before that debate, Rubio campaign spokesman Alex Conant wrote sent an email to Rubio supporters with the catchy opening line “Ted Cruz is a liar.” Conant went on:

“First it was lying about Marco on fundamental issues like life and marriage; now Cruz and his supporters’ attempts to slander and distort Marco’s record have reached a new low.”

Cruz’s camp also mocked Rubio’s baby heels, while Rubio accused Cruz of “literally just making stuff up” last month:

“I just think it’s very disturbing [that] you can just come and make things up about people and believe no one is going to call you out on it. And it’s now become a pattern, so we have to clarify that we can’t let that stand unchallenged.”

These two deserve one another, and we should all just look away and let them be happy, together in an eternal embrace of mutual opportunism.